Lord, I live in awe and wonder of Your love. Thank You for creating me to be one of Your children. Thank You for the love and joy, faith and hope you have filled my life with. Thank You for Your presence, Your direction and Your protection.
Thank You for Your everlasting truth and salvation.
Lord, how may I glorify You today?
God said, "Come to Me in prayer, mdeditation, confession, repentance and in joy and I will fill your heart and soul with the love and joy of My Son Jesus. Take My love, hope and joy into the world and share it with everyone. Be Me for Me to everyone you meet."
Lord, I love my time with You each morning. Thank You for Your presence. Thank You for filling me with Your Spirit, Your love, wisdom and understanding. Thank You for giving me a pure creative heart. Thank You for filling me with Your hope, joy, energy and enthusiasm.
Bless me Lord to be a blessing to be a blessing to everyone.
Jesus said, "Be a good steward of all that I have given you. Let the fruits of My spirit multiply in you and shared with all those around you."
"Share the love and joy, the awe and wonder that comes from knowing Me.
Light the path to love and salvation for all to see.
Knowing Me, believing in Me and loving Me is the key.
My truth and your faith have set you free.
I have lifted into the light to be all that you can be."
God said, "You know that I am God and you can do all things through Me.
Know that you can be all you want to be, and that you'll always glorify Me.
Be the best you be. Use your talents for all to see.
Bring My children home to Me."
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