Thursday, July 21, 2011

I Will Do Extraordinary Miracles Through You

" I will do extraordinary miracles through you, so that even your touch will heal, restore, and renew others in My name." Acts 19:11

Lord, I live in awe and wonder of the power of Your word, Your love and all of Your creation. I seek Your presence and pray that You will open my mind and heart to the possibilities in life, so that I may do miracles in Your name.

I pray that You will enliven and enlighten my imagination to all the ways I may glorify You. Open my eyes so that I may see you in everyone and everything.

Let my words and deeds speak of the glory and love and beauty of Your creation and Your gift to all who believe in You.

Jesus, how may I glorify You today?

Jesus said, "I am with you always. Whatever you do to the least of your brothers and sisters, you do unto Me. Every kindness, every work you do in love through Me and for Me glorifies My name. Be as radiant as an angel by doing all for Me."

Lord, I am filled with awe and wonder at the miracles You have worked in my life.
I live in awe of the power of Your love to save me and to lift me out of death and darkness into Your light and Your love.

And as you worked miracles to transform me from a selfish, sinful, self-centered man into a loving, kind, compassionate, Christ-centered person, I am filled with wonder and joy and peace.

Thank You Lord, for the gift of my faith in You. Thank You for revealing the gift of working miracles to me. Thank You for the gifts of exhortation to encourage others. Thank You for the gift of healing, so I may restore and renew my sisters and brothers in Your name. Thank You for making my one of Your disciples. May I always be a blessing to You, for You and to others. Thank You for the precious gift of Your love.

Jesus said, "Let your loving spirit and strong faith be made known to everyone."

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