Sunday, February 3, 2013

Continue Your Journey With Me

Jesus: "Now that you have welcomed Me into your life, continue to journey with Me and allow Me to shape your life.  Let your roots grow down deeply in Me and let Me build you up on a firm foundation.  Be strong in your faith and always let your loving spirit overflow with thanksgiving."
                                                                        Colossians 2:6-7

Lord, let it be unto me as You say.

Jesus:  "Let it be unto you as you pray.  I live within you and I am with you all the way."

Lord, I live in awe and wonder of the power and depth of Your love to lift me out of death and darkess into Your light of love.  I live in awe and wonder that You cared enough to set me free to love You and all around me.  Thank You for being in my life, for being my life and and for living within me.

Jesus, how may I glorify You today?

Jesus: Because you stand in awe of the one true Lord.  Because you stand in awe and wonder of God's creation, make it your purpose to share My love, your love, your awe and wonder with everyone you meet.  Make it your mission to convince everyone of the truth of the gospel."

"Let the controlling force in your life be My love, because of all I have done for you, you now have a new life."

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