Thursday, September 20, 2012

Be Content In Whatever Your Circumstances

"You have learned to be content in whatever your circumstances.  You know how to survive in tight situations, and how to enjoy having plenty. You can be content in any and every situation through My Son Jesus, who is your power and strength."                 Philippians 4:11-13

Jesus, may all that is You flow into me and fill me with true contentment in Your love and wisdom and truth.  Thank You for lifting me out of the darkness and discontent of the world and into Your light of revelation of life with you.

Lord, Your powerful spiritual presence has transformed my anxiety into joy and satisfaction in You.
You have freed me from the slavery of sin to discover this beautiful state of inner peace through the power of Your Spirit that lives within me.  Lord, I am dedicated to joining You in Your mission of love and salvation for all the world.

Jesus, how may I glorify You today?

Jesus:  Know this:  God will fill every need you have according to His glorious riches in Me, so that you will glorify Him in everything you think and say and do through Me.

Greet everyone you meet with a loving spirit in My name.  Continue your journey with your spirit strengthened  by My grace."                                            Philippians 4:19-23

Lord, let it be unto me as You say.  I will follow You all the way.

Jesus:  "Let it be unto you as you pray.  I am with you all the way!"

Lord, I live in awe and wonder and gratitude of the power of Your love that set me free to live a life of love and freedom in You.  Thank You for saving my life and my soul.  Thank You for living within me and making me whole.

Thank You for filling me with Your Holy Spirit, Your love, Your wisdom, knowledge and understanding.  Thank You for giving me a pure creative heart, and for filling me with Your hope, joy,
and peace.  Thank You for filling me with Your energy and power and passion.

Thank You for loving and blessing me so that I may be a blessing to others.

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