Friday, March 23, 2012

You Who Keep My Commandments Will Live

"You who keep My commandments will live. Those who are heedless in their ways will die. You who are kind to the poor lend to Me and wil be repaid in full."

"Discipline your children while there is hope."

"Listen to advise and accept instruction that you may gain wisdom for the future. You may devise many plans, but it is My purpose that will be established." Proverbs 19:16-21

Lord, I seek the blessing of Your presence, Your love and wisdom in my life. I pray that you will establish my ways, my vocation in You, and that Your Holy Spirit will guide and direct me, love and protect me in all my ways.

Jesus, may all that is You flow into me and may I be grounded in Your love and wisdom each day. How may I glorify You today?

Jesus said, "Your were born to encourage others. You were born with the gift of exhortation, to encourage, heal, restore and renew others in their lives. I have given you a strong faith and belief in Me. I have given you a talent for writing so that you can lift Me up for all to see, that they may be blessed in My love and salvation."

"I have called you to encourage and renew the minds, hearts, bodies and souls of everyone. Join Me in My mission of salvation."

Lord, let it be unto me as You say. Let Your words and deeds flow through me eah day. In Your commandments I will always obey.

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