Jesus said, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life.
No one comes to the Father except through Me."
"If you know Me, you will know My Father also. The Father who dwells in Me does His work."
"You who believe in Me will also do the works that I do and even greater works than these, because I am going to the Father."
"I will do whatever you ask in My name, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If in My name you ask for anything, I will do it."
John 14:6-14
Lord, I seek Your presence each morning and ask that You be with me every minute of the day, and that You guide and direct me, love and protect me in everything I think, and do, and say. Enfold me in Your love so that I may be one with You, the Son, and with the Father and the Holy Spirit.
Jesus, may all that is You flow into me and may I be who You created me to be. How may I glorify You today?
Jesus said, "Love Me and keep My commandments. I will ask the Father and He will give you another Advocate, to be with you forever. This is the Spirit of truth. You know Him because He abides with you, and He will be with you always." John 14:15-17
"The Advocate, the Holy Spirit, will teach you everything, and remind you of all that I have said to you. Go into the world and do the same in My name." John 14: 25
Lord, I live in awe and wonder and gratitude for the power of Your love that lives within me.
Thank You for lifting me out of the darkness and sure death into the light of Your love and saving grace.
Jesus said, "I give you new light each day and My Holy Spirit shows you the way.
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