Sunday, November 13, 2011

Let Freedom Ring

"Come to Me as I have come to you thousands of times before. Seek My presence for I am with you always. You can do all things through Christ who is within you. Ask and you will receive. Seek and you will find. Knock and the door will be opened.

Look for Me in everyone and everything. Let My peace abide in you as I abide in you.

You have been transformed into a new creation. I have filled you with a pure creative heart, full of energy just waiting to make something beautiful.

I have made all things new, so that you may create new beauty for others.

I am the great Creator and you are made in My image. Come to Me and we will create great things together."

Jesus, may all that is You flow into me and fill me with Your love and creativity and may I be a reflection of Your love for all eternity. May Your words flow through me and free all who are in captivity.

Jesus, how may I glorify You today?

Jesus said, "Let freedom ring from mountain tops. Let freedom ring in everyone and everything. Join Me in freeing My people from the slavery of sin. Let your light shine brightly showing everyone the way out of the darkness into the light. Bring them to Me and I will lift them out of death into life everlasting."

Lord, I live in awe and wonder of the power of Your love and Your power to change me and all those around me. Thank You for making me one of Your children and one of Your disciples. Thank You for living in me and through me, working Your miracles of love and kindness and compassion.

I pray that I may offer everyone the freedom that Your love and salvation has brought me. I pray that You will free all from the slavery of sin and addiction. I pray that You will free all from the sins of greed, self-centeredness, jealousy and pride. I pray that everyone will come to know the wisdom of Your love and freedom.

Lord, I pray that You will give everyone the freedom to love again. I pray that You will free us from the pain and despair that others have brought to us. Lord, I pray for Your forgiveness for those who have sinned against us, and that You will give us the power to forgive them as You have forgiven us.

I pray that You will free us from suffering and depression, and that You will heal, restore and renew our love and our lives in You. May Your Holy, Healing Spirit flow into us and give us the freedom to be who You want us to be.

May our light shine so brightly that we overcome the darkness in this world. Because of You Lord we have freedom in everything. You have blessed us abundantly with Your love and Your light. You have blessed us with gifts to share with everyone.

Lord, open our minds and hearts to accept the freedom You bring, and let the power of Your freedom ring.

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